1 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1
In WW1, fear of going over the top eventuated in malingering. Soldiers
became facile at it, ripping their apparel and such. It was infamous.
An escalation of this behavior caused eminent authorities to get
involved. If a soldier even insinuated he would do it, he was shot.
It was done in a stolid way. Couplets were written in protest.
2 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1
In WW1, fear of going over the top lead to faking injury and illness. Soldiers
became skilled at it, ripping their clothes and such. It was a scandal.
An up tick of this behavior caused leading authorities to get
involved. If a soldier even hinted he would do it, he was shot.
It was done in a unflinching way. Verse were written in protest.
1 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel plaintive for the dissolution of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to badger people to go; they tractably went voluntarily
several times a week. They were vexed if movies were truncated. The
double feature was a dogmatic element.
The coming of cable dispelled many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real coup.
2 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel wistful for the disappearance of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to nag people to go; they obediently went by free will
several times a week. They were cross if movies were shortened. The
double feature was a dyed in the wool element.
The coming of cable changed many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real revolution.
1 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel plaintive for the dissolution of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to badger people to go; they tractably went voluntarily
several times a week. They were vexed if movies were truncated. The
double feature was a dogmatic element.
The coming of cable dispelled many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real coup.
2 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel wistful for the disappearance of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to nag people to go; they obediently went by free will
several times a week. They were cross if movies were shortened. The
double feature was a dyed in the wool element.
The coming of cable changed many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real revolution.
1 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help
The opposition to Louis the 16th prepossessed the public. They saw his
abdication as a panacea for their problems. He had faced a steady
Now he was paraded out and people ogled at the stout carcinogenic
wretch. But it was not the salvation advertised adduced by the usurptation of
power by a dictatorship soon afterward.
2 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help
The opposition to Louis the 16th preoccupied the public. They saw his
resignation as a cure all for their problems. He had faced a steady
negative press.
Now he was paraded out and people gawked at the stout cancerous
despised man. But it was not the salvation advertised shown by the power grab
by a dictatorship soon afterward.
1 Vocabulary Story 945 Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly
People are thwarted to go to the hospital. There are strange olfactory
sensations. You are contiguous to turbulence and trauma that never
seems to abate. There are delays that inspire pique.
You wish you could get a surrogate to go in your place. However
there is occasionally a convivial moment there too.
2 Vocabulary Story 945 Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly
People are hesitant to go to the hospital. There are strange odor
sensations. You are next to commotion and shock that never
seems to end. There are delays that inspire irritation.
You wish you could get a stand in to go in your place. However
there is occasionally a sociable moment there too.
Here is a one page story using ten high school level words.
See the story.
A “translation” in to simpler words.
A nice picture to illustrate the story.
1 Vocabulary Story 840 One Problem of Dieting
One facet of dieting is family must abide with diet foods as they
supplant regular foods. In lieu of steaks, there are compotes and
salads. Family members complaints hamper dieters; it’s a common malady.
Renowned experts have diet plans. One wonders, is there hypocrisy
and equestrian size eating behind the scenes?
2 Vocabulary Story 840 One Problem of Dieting
One aspect of dieting is family must put up with with diet foods as they
replace regular foods. In place of steaks, there are fruit desserts and
salads. Family members complaints hold back dieters; it’s a common problem.
Famous experts have diet plans. One wonders, is there falsehood
and horse size eating behind the scenes?
1 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun
During the World War One Centennial, the now bosky battlefield
of Verdun was ballyhooed with complaints about its unique beauty.
Many allegories were made about rebirth after the armistice
was signed, more than one hundred years ago.
I deferred going. When I did, the guide vented pique as he scrupulously showed
me around the grounds. I felt malaise thinking about all those lost there.
2 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun
During the World War One Hundred Year Anniversary, the now wooded battlefield
of Verdun was highlighted with praise about its unique beauty.
Many poetic comparisons were made about rebirth after the peace treaty
was signed, more than one hundred years ago.
I delayed in going. When I did, the guide expressed irritation as he thoroughly
showed me around the grounds. I felt mildly ill thinking about all those lost there.
1 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display
In the Imperial War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation
of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was intrinsic to warding off the
barrages of the Luftwaffe in the early war years.
They showed how a paltry band of neophyte pilots with a modus vivendi
of abnegation prevailed. It was a time of pure alchemy. The tour guide
answered inquiries about many issues, garbled over the years.
2 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display
In the Royal War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation
of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was essential to fending off the
blows of the Luftwaffe in the early war years.
They showed how a small band of newbie pilots with a lifestyle
of self sacrifice won. It was a time of pure magic. The tour guide
answered inquiries about many issues, confused over the years.
1 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City
Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had temerity and shrewd
acquisitiveness. It alienated them from the public. It was an affliction.
Carnegie was called a scrupulous curmudgeon. They lived set apart
in mansions on 5th avenue.
However, with people of commensurate status there was harmony.
They also developed a type of family group in people doing menial
jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs.
2 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City
Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had boldness and clever
greed. It estranged them from the public. It was a problem.
Carnegie was called an abusive bad tempered man. They lived set apart
in mansions on 5th avenue.
However, with people of equal status there was community.
They also developed a type of family group in people doing lowly
jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs.
1 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians
Early Boston was autocratic and sectarian. Leaders only wished
for what they felt was equanimity free of gadflies. This prompted rampant
persecution and exclusions of the extrinsic. This had repercussions for the colony.
Later more enlightened leaders gave amnesty to the Indians and sought
to include them in the society and industry.
2 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians
Early Boston was a dictatorial and narrow minded. Leaders only wished
for what they felt was calmness free of intrusion. This caused uncontrolled
witch hunts and bars of the foreign. This had bad consequences for the colony.
Later more enlightened leaders gave pardon to the Indians and sought
to include them in the society and industry.
1 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890
The upper class in 1890’s New York City was adamant reproving
the raffish lower class. In their hubris, their only concern was having
the police force in good kilter to protect themselves. They said the poor’s
only motive was sloth and greed.
For their part, the poor had reciprocal respect for each other.
They noted how the rich squandered money on exorbitant mansions and
2 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890
The upper class in 1890’s New York City was firm in criticizing
the dodgy lower class. In their pride, their only concern was having
the police force in good order to protect themselves. They said the poor’s
only reason for being was laziness and greed.
For their part, the poor had mutual respect for each other.
They noted how the rich threw money around on elaborate mansions and
1 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem
The gladiator had a long epoch of success in the hippodrome.
He started out as a vivacious youngster; then people started
to feel ennui when watching him. The arena staged maritime battles
to bolster interest. It was a common plight of older fighters.
He had to have a claque to cheer for him. He got irascible and
eschewed company. When he finally lost and was supine, they voted thumbs
2 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem
The gladiator had a long period of success in the circus.
He started out as a lively youngster; then people started
to feel bored when watching him. The arena staged sea battles
to pick up interest. It was a common problem of older fighters.
He had to have a chorus of fake clappers to cheer for him. He got irritable and
shunned company. When he finally lost and was on his back, they voted thumbs
Here is a story using ten words from a high school vocabulary list.
I give you the words and a short definition for each.
You try to make a story.
You then see my story and a paraphrase of it.
I also give a illustration.
The purpose of this is to see the vocabulary use in context and simpler words in a paraphrase story.
This is a Power Point presentation.
Here is a story made from ten vocabulary words.
I give a list of the ten words with definitions.
I provide my story with a paraphrase into simpler words.
I also give an illustration.
The story is true about a priest in Nazi Germany.
This priest has been beatified by the Church, a step to being made a saint.
If you would, buy and review this story to encourage more and better stories.
Here is a story about the early USA’s society.
You will get ten words to write a story.
You will see my story and its paraphrase.
An illustration is also provided.
Suitable for Power point presentation.
Here is a story about the nuclear shelter system in New York City.
You are given ten words to write your story.
You see how I wrote the story.
I provide a paraphrase of the story and an illustration.
The purpose of this exercise is to use vocabulary words in a story
1 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York
Many rich New York families boasted noble lineages. One
was Rockefeller, a paradigm amongst them, living in ostentatious
splendor on 5th avenue. There was a nomenclature of euphemisms to provide
acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and
His staff had fidelity to him, covering up for his calumny and
wrong doing. Even though they were the antipodal of him, living in
penury and modesty in comparison to him.
2 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York
Many rich New York families boasted noble ancestries. One
was Rockefeller, a perfect example amongst them, living in showy
splendor on 5th avenue. There was a set of replacement words to provide
acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and
His staff had loyalty to him, covering up for his lies and
wrong doing. Even though they were the opposite of him, living in
poverty and modesty in comparison to him.